Rehabilitation Centre in Amritsar

Rehabilitation Centre in Amritsar

Rehabilitation Centre in AmritsarLifeline Foundations is the best Rehabilitation Centre in Amritsar. The reason is that we use the best methods to take care of your loved ones. We thoroughly focus on the issues that they are facing and treat them accordingly. We take care of their health, mental balance as well as habits. If someone is habitual to drugs, it is not something to be ashamed of. There are chances when a person is not able to make a wise decision. Sometimes it is the company, sometimes it is a lack of awareness and sometimes it is the situation that can lead a person to the wrong path.

We understand such reasons and make sure that we remove the addiction and habit from the root. We not only make the person realize that it is not good and he should quit, but we also make it easier for him to live the new phase of life in a better way. There are chances when in between, one may change his mind about de-addiction. We have counsellors to guide them on the right path. Also, we make things easier for them with the help of various creative activities. These activities help them boost their mood. Also, the hard decision made them easier to proceed with.

Leading Rehabilitation Centre in Amritsar

In their teenage when youngsters are not aware of the real consequences of drugs, they get into the habit of them. When time passes, they enjoy its results. However, this pleasing effect is affecting the tendency of their brain to develop positivity on its own. Therefore, in future, their brain will not be so efficient in developing happiness-related feelings on their own. This is the reason that they initially feel really good because of drugs. But later, they will not be able to enjoy their life without drugs that effectively.

So, when the person tries to quit, he faces issues like anxiety, irritation, etc. Lifeline Foundations is the leading Rehabilitation Centre in Amritsar, where counsellors, motivational speakers and psychologists increase the mental strength of the person. They work together and make sure that the person will not just quit the drugs, but will also make sure that the person is creative, efficient as well as mentally strong in his new phase of life.

Nasha Mukti Kendra in Amritsar

As we know alcohol consumption is in trend. People from very low-income families, as well as people from families that have a really high income, are also involved in this practice. The prices of alcohol also vary, due to the larger varieties available in the market. You can find alcohol at a price of less than ₹100/litre as well as at a price of more than ₹200000/litre. Many movies promote the use of alcohol indirectly. You can see many business tycoons, youngsters and even sportspersons consuming alcohol. This gives an inappropriate message to teenagers.

In some families, alcohol is too common. Many people allow their children to sit in front of them and consume alcohol. However, most of the time people consume a large amount of it in a very short period of time. This leads to health, mental as well as social issues.

Lifeline Foundations focuses on the psychology of the person residing here. We make sure that the habit, as well as the reason for this habit, are considered and worked on. We live here as a family and get involved in various extracurricular activities. The health experts are highly trained and suggest the best diet for the person. Therefore, these diet experts make sure that all the required nutrients are in the diet and that there is an improvement in health.

No.1 Rehabilitation Centre in Amritsar

Lifeline Foundations is not just a rehab centre. Actually, it is a really comfortable place to live. Every person who lives here has all the facilities to ensure proper comfort. Here, you will find…

  • A swimming pool that has good quality water is changed periodically.
  • A courtyard that is really comfortable to roam around in gives really good positivity and a soothing feeling.
  • AC and non-AC rooms to ensure comfort at your convenience.
  • 24-hour Availability of experts like dieticians, psychologists, doctors and motivational speakers.
  • A library with books, which we select wisely for better interest as well as mental strength.
  • Physical health experts like Yoga trainers and physiotherapists.

In case you are concerned about the habits of your close ones and want to see an improvement, let us know. Though we hope that you don’t need this Rehabilitation Centre in Amritsar. We’re available 24 hours and 365 days a. Just give us a call, and allow us to exceed your expectations.

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